Distant Healing

Most people, when they think of Spiritual Healing, have an impression of a Healer standing over a patient doing a laying-on-of-hands.  This is not wrong; however, Healers also carry out healing using distant, or absent, healing.  Basically, Healing Energy is sent to a distant client; this client could be on the other side of town or on the other side of the world.  Many healers consider distant healing to be at least as effective as contact healing – some focus better when the client isn't present – and we have numerous testimonials from people who have been helped by distant healing.

Suffolk Healers runs a distant healing network known as Circles of Light.  If you know of someone who is suffering from a serious illness or injury then please feel free to request distant healing by completing the Form below: fill in your own name and email address together with the patient's name and a brief description of the ailment.  You can also request healing for people whose condition may not necessarily be life-threatening but whose quality of life is so poor as to be a threat to health.


These details will be passed to the Circles of Light co-ordinator who in turn passes the information to a circle, or group, of healers.  Each healer in the circle then sends healing, regularly, to the person with the result that the person recieves a powerful wave of healing love channeled via a group of healers.  The healers carry on sending healing to the person until a message is received from you stating that it is no longer required.